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The bridge is attested as Bilröst in the Poetic Edda- compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and as Bifröst in the Prose Edda- written in the Etymology - Attestations - Theories - Notes.The Bifrost is a rainbow staff surrounded by an ever glowing rainbow aura, and has crystalline shapes floating around the tip. Aura. The user'-s body is The Legend - Gift of The Bifrost - Opal Orb - Winds of Chaos.Háskólinn á Bifröst er háskóli í félagsvísindum sem veitir vandaða kennslu í viðskiptafræði, lögfræði, heimspeki, stjórnmálafræði og hagfræði auk þess að .Bifrost (pronounced roughly “BEEF-roast-” Old Norse Bifröst) is the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard, the world of the Aesir tribe of gods, with Midgard, the .The Bifröst Bridge is a magic rainbow bridge in Asgard guarded by the warrior Heimdall, the.Bifrost, known as the Rainbow Bridge was the connection between Asgard and Midgard, the Earth.Åsatrufellesskapet Bifrost. Menu_item_asatru. Åsatru. Menu_item_bifrost. Om oss. Menu_item_politics. Religionspolitisk plattform. Menu_item_kindreds..Autodesk Maya 2015: Bifrost Procedural Effects Platform presentation by Daryl Obert Bifrost Liquid - Attribute - Master Voxel Scale .Bifrost, also known as Rainbow Bridge, is the only permanent portal leading to Midgard. It is guarded by Heimdall, whom Odin entrusted the safety of Asgard to.